Usage ===== Running a model ----------------- .. code-block:: python >>> import convis >>> retina = convis.retina.Retina() >>> retina(some_short_input) >>>,dt=100) Usually PyTorch Layers are callable and will perform their forward computation when called with some input. But since Convis deals with long (potentially infinite) video sequences, a longer input can be processed in smaller chunks by calling :meth:`,dt=..) ` with `dt` set to the length of input that should be processed at a time. This length depends on the memory available in your system and also if you are using the model on your cpu or gpu. :meth:`` also accepts numpy arrays as input, which will be converted into PyTorch `Tensor`s and packaged as a `Variable`. Input and Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The in- and output of `convis` models is in most cases **five-dimensional**. Why is that? The convention comes from :class:`~torch.nn.Conv3d` processing two additional dimensions for 3d convolutions: *batches* and *channels*. They are handled differently in the way they relate to the convolution weight: each *batch* is processed completely independently and adding more batches does not require a change to the weight and there are always the same number of output as input *batches*; in turn each *channel* (eg. colour) requires an appropriate `in_channel` dimension in the weight and the number of output *channels* is also determined by the dimensions of the weight (see :class:`convis.filters.Conv3d`). The dimensions of all output in `convis` is therefore: **[batch, channel, time, space x, space y]** and the :class:`~convis.base.Output` objects can also contain multiple output tensors of different shapes. .. code-block:: python >>> o =,dt=100) >>> print(o[0].size()) torch.Size([1, 1, 1000, 10, 10]) >>> print(o[1].size()) # the retina model has by default two outputs (On and Off cells) torch.Size([1, 1, 1000, 10, 10]) If an input has less dimensions, it can be broadcasted with :func:`convis.make_input` from 1d, 2d and 3d to 5d, and this function also gives the option to create CPU or GPU tensors. Also 3d inputs will be automatically broadcast to 5d by all :class:`convis.base.Layer` s. How to Plot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To get an overview plot of an :class:`~convis.base.Output` object in jupyter notebooks, it is sufficient to have the output as the last line in a cell. This will call :func:`convis.plot_tensor` on each tensor in the :class:`~convis.base.Output`. Alternatively one can call :func:`convis.base.Output.plot`, which will get a line plot of the first tensor (or the n-th tensor if an argument n is supplied). .. code-block:: python In [1]: o =,dt=100) o Out[1]: Output containing 2 Tensors. | 1x1x1000x1x1 Tensor | | | 1x1x1000x1x1 Tensor | | In [2]: o.plot(0) Out[2]: In [3]: convis.plot(o[0]) Out[3]: In [4]: convis.plot_tensor(o[0]) Out[4]: Most analysis will be done on :func:`numpy.array` s on the CPU rather than :class:`torch.Tensor` s, so the output can be turned into arrays with the function :func:`convis.base.Output.array`: .. code-block:: python >>> out = o.array(0) # using first tensor in output >>> out array([[[[[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]], ... ]]], dtype=uint8) >>> plot(out[0,0,:,5,5]) # signal of pixel 5,5 over time >>> imshow(out[0,0,100,:,:]) # frame at time 100 If there is more than one tensor in the :class:`~convis.base.Output` object, `o.array(1)` will give the second output, etc. Animating Plots ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another way to plot 5d tensors if you are using `jupyter notebooks `_ is to produce an animation. Convis offers two animation functions (plain and scrolling) with two outputs each (html5 video and html/javascript animation): .. code-block:: python >>> convis.animate_to_html(o.array(),skip=5,scrolling_plot=True,window_length=500) # html and scrolling >>> convis.animate_to_video(o.array(),skip=5,scrolling_plot=False) # video and plain The output can also be produced manually from the :func:`~convis.variable_describe.animate` and :func:`~convis.variable_describe.animate_double_plot` functions, which each return a :class:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation`: .. code-block:: python >>> from IPython.display import HTML >>> HTML(convis.variable_describe.animate(o.array(),skip=10).to_html5_video()) >>> HTML(convis.variable_describe.animate_double_plot(o.array(),skip=10,window_length=500).to_jshtml()) Or you can save the animation (see :func:``): .. code-block:: python >>> convis.variable_describe.animate(o.array(),skip=10).save('mymovie.mp4') >>> convis.variable_describe.animate_double_plot(o.array(),skip=10,window_length=500).save('mymovie.mp4') Global configurations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _global_configuration: There are a few global parameters that can change the behaviour of convis. They can be found by tab completing `convis.default_(...)`. To enable or disable whether Parameters should by default keep their computational graph you can set `convis.default_grad_enabled` to either `True` or `False`. If you are not planning on using the optimization features of `convis`, you can disable all computational graphs to save memory! By default, graphs are enabled (`convis.default_grad_enabled = True`). .. code-block:: python import convis convis.default_grad_enabled = False # disables computational graphs by default `convis` has default scaling parameters for spatial and temporal dimensions. .. code-block:: python import convis # 20 pixel correspond to 1 degree of the visual field convis.default_resolution.pixel_per_degree = 20 # a bin is by default 1 ms long convis.default_resolution.steps_per_second = 1000 # making all computations faster, but less accurate: convis.default_resolution.pixel_per_degree = 10 # spatial scale is half the default convis.default_resolution.steps_per_second = 200 # 5ms time bins Configuring a Model: the `.p.` parameter list ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _p_list: The best way to configure the model is by exploring the structure with tab completion of the `.p.` parameter list. As an example. the retina model will give you first the list of layers and then the list of parameters of each layer (see also :class:`convis.base.Layer`). To change the values, you can use the method `.set`, or (*but only if you use the `.p.` list*) by assigning a new value to the parameter directly: >>> retina = convis.retina.Retina() >>> retina.p. opl, bipolar, gang_0_input, gang_0_spikes, gang_1_input, gang_1_spikes >>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp Variable ---------- name: lambda_amp doc: Amplification of the gain control. When `lambda_amp`=0, there is no gain control. value: array([0.], dtype=float32) >>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp.set(100.0) >>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp = 100.0 >>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp Variable ---------- name: lambda_amp doc: Amplification of the gain control. When `lambda_amp`=0, there is no gain control. value: array([100.], dtype=float32) The `.p` list is collecting all the parameters of the model, so that they are easier for you to interact with. You can also navigate through the submodules yourself, but then you have to ignore all methods and attributes of the Layers that are not Parameters: >>> retina.bipolar. a_0, a_0, a_1, a_1, add_module, apply, b_0, b_0, children, clear_state, compute_loss, conv2d, cpu, cuda, dims, dims, double, dump_patches, eval, float, forward, g_leak, g_leak, g_leak, get_all, get_parameters, get_state, half, init_states, inputNernst_inhibition, inputNernst_inhibition, input_amp, input_amp, input_amp, lambda_amp, lambda_amp, lambda_amp, load_parameters, load_state_dict, m, modules, named_children, named_modules, named_parameters, optimize, p, parameters, parse_config, plot_impulse, plot_impulse_space, pop_all, pop_optimizer, pop_parameters, pop_state, preceding_V_bip, preceding_attenuationMap, preceding_inhibition, push_all, push_optimizer, push_parameters, push_state, register_backward_hook, register_buffer, register_forward_hook, register_forward_pre_hook, register_parameter, register_state, retrieve_all, run, s, save_parameters, set_all, set_optimizer, set_optimizer, set_parameters, set_state, share_memory, state_dict, steps, steps, store_all, tau, tau, tau, train, training, training, type, user_parameters, zero_grad >>> # too many! >>> retina.bipolar.lambda_amp Variable ---------- name: lambda_amp doc: Amplification of the gain control. When `lambda_amp`=0, there is no gain control. value: array([0.], dtype=float32) >>> retina.bipolar.lambda_amp.set(42.0) Since `retina.bipolar` is itself a :class:`convis.base.Layer` object, `retina.bipolar.p.` works the same as `retina.p.bipolar.`. .. note:: In the following case the Parameter object will be **replaced** by the *number* `100.0`. It will no longer be optimizable or exportable: >>> retina.bipolar.lambda_amp = 100.0 # <- .p is missing! Instead you can use `.set()` to set the value, or replace the Parameter with a new Parameter: >>> retina.bipolar.lambda_amp.set(100.0) >>> retina.p.bipolar["lambda_amp"].set(100.0) Another feature of the `.p.` list are the special attributes `_all` and `_search`. `.p._all.` gives you tab completable list without hierarchy, ie. all variables can be seen at once. >>> retina.p._all. gang_0_input_spatial_pooling_weight, gang_1_spikes_refr_sigma, gang_0_input_i_0, gang_1_spikes_noise_sigma, bipolar_lambda_amp, gang_1_input_sign, gang_0_input_lambda_G, gang_0_input_transient_tau_center, gang_1_spikes_refr_mu, gang_1_input_sigma_surround, gang_1_input_spatial_pooling_bias, bipolar_input_amp, gang_0_input_v_0, gang_0_spikes_tau, gang_1_input_transient_relative_weight_center, gang_1_input_transient_tau_center, bipolar_conv2d_weight, gang_0_input_sign, gang_0_spikes_refr_sigma, bipolar_g_leak, gang_0_spikes_refr_mu, gang_0_input_transient_weight, bipolar_tau, gang_1_spikes_tau, gang_1_input_f_transient, gang_0_spikes_g_L, gang_1_input_lambda_G, gang_1_spikes_g_L, gang_0_input_transient_relative_weight_center, gang_0_input_f_transient, gang_0_input_sigma_surround, gang_1_input_v_0, gang_0_spikes_noise_sigma, gang_1_input_i_0, opl_opl_filter_relative_weight, gang_1_input_transient_weight The `_search` attribute can search in this list for any substring: >>> retina.p._search.lam. gang_1_input_lambda_G, bipolar_lambda_amp, gang_0_input_lambda_G >>> retina.p._search.i_0. gang_0_input_i_0, gang_1_input_i_0 Both of these can be iterated over instead of tab-completed: >>> for p in retina.p._search.i_0: p.set(10.0) >>> for name,p in retina.p._search.i_0.__iteritems(): print(name) p.set(10.0) gang_0_input_i_0 gang_1_input_i_0 Configuring a Model: exporting and importing all parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can get a dictionary of all parameter values >>> d = retina.get_parameters() >>> d['opl_opl_filter_surround_E_tau'] array([0.004], dtype=float32) >>> d['opl_opl_filter_surround_E_tau'][0] = 0.001 >>> retina.set_parameters(d) Switching between CPU and GPU usage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PyTorch objects can move between GPU memory and RAM by calling `.cuda()` and `.cpu()` methods respectively. This can be done on a single Tensor or on an entire model. Enabling and disabling the computational graph ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. _disable_graph: Each :class:`~convis.variables.Parameter` has by default its `requires_grad` attribute set to `True`, which means that every operation done with this Parameter will be recorded, so that we can use backpropagation at some later timepoint. This can use a lot of memory, especially in recursive filters, and you might not even need the computational graph. To disable the graph for a **single Parameter** or Variable, supply the constructor with the keyword argument `requires_grad` or call its :meth:`~convis.variables.Parameter.requires_grad_` method after the Parameter was created. The trailing underscore signifies that the method will be executed *in place* and does not produce a copy of the variable. .. code-block:: python import convis p = convis.variables.Parameter(42, requires_grad=False) # or later: import convis p = convis.variables.Parameter(42) p.requires_grad_(False) For a **complete Layer**, there is a helper function :meth:`~convis.base.Layer.requires_grad_` that will set the flag for all the contained Parameters: .. code-block:: python import convis m = convis.models.LN() m.requires_grad_(False) **Globally**, graphs can be disabled with the `convis.default_grad_enabled` variable: .. code-block:: python import convis convis.default_grad_enabled = False # disables computational graphs by default Using Runner objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Runner objects can execute a model on a fixed set of input and output streams. The execution can also happen in a separate thread: .. code-block:: python import convis, time import numpy as np inp = convis.streams.RandomStream(size=(10,10),pixel_per_degree=1.0,level=100.2,mean=128.0) out1 = convis.streams.SequenceStream(sequence=np.ones((0,10,10)), max_frames=10000) retina = convis.retina.Retina() runner = convis.base.Runner(retina, input = inp, output = out1) runner.start() time.sleep(5) # let thread run for 5 seconds or longer plot(out1.sequence.mean((1,2))) # some time later runner.stop() Optimizing a Model -------------------- One way to optimize a model is by using the :meth:`~convis.base.Layer.set_optimizer` attribute and the :meth:`~convis.base.Layer.optimize` method: .. code-block:: python l = convis.models.LN() l.set_optimizer.SGD(lr=0.001) # selects an optimizer with arguments #l.optimize(some_inp, desired_outp) # does the optimization with the selected optimizer A full example: .. plot:: :include-source: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pylab as plt import convis import torch l_goal = convis.models.LN() k_goal = np.random.randn(5,5,5) l_goal.conv.set_weight(k_goal) plt.plot([0,0,:,:,:].mean(1)) plt.matshow(,1,2))) plt.colorbar() l = convis.models.LN() l.conv.set_weight(np.ones((5,5,5)),normalize=True) l.set_optimizer.LBFGS() # optional conversion to GPU objects: #l.cuda() #l_goal.cuda() inp = 1.0*(np.random.randn(200,10,10)) inp = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(inp)) # .cuda() # optional: conversion to GPU object outp = l_goal(inp[None,None,:,:,:]) plt.figure() plt.plot([0,0,:,:,:].mean(1),'--',color='red') for i in range(50): l.optimize(inp[None,None,:,:,:],outp) if i%10 == 2: plt.plot([0,0,:,:,:].mean(1)) plt.matshow(,1,2))) plt.colorbar() plt.figure() h = plt.hist((l.conv.weight-l_goal.conv.weight).data.cpu().numpy().flatten(),bins=15) When selecting an Optimizer, the full list of available Optimizers can be seen by tab-completion. Some interesting optimizers are: * SGD: Stochastic Gradient Descent - one of the simplest possible methods, can also take a momentum term as an option * Adagrad/Adadelta/Adam/etc.: Accelerated Gradient Descent methods - adapt the learning rate * LBFGS: Broyden-Fletcher–Goldfarb-Shanno (Quasi-Newton) method - very fast for many almost linear parameters Using an Optimizer by Hand ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The normal PyTorch way to call Optimizers is to fill the gradient buffers by hand and then calling :meth:`~torch.optim.Optimizer.step()` (see also ). .. code-block:: python import numpy as np import convis import torch l_goal = convis.models.LN() k_goal = np.random.randn(5,5,5) l_goal.conv.set_weight(k_goal) inp = 1.0*(np.random.randn(200,10,10)) inp = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(inp)) outp = l_goal(inp[None,None,:,:,:]) l = convis.models.LN() l.conv.set_weight(np.ones((5,5,5)),normalize=True) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(l.parameters(), lr=0.01) for i in range(50): # first the gradient buffer have to be set to 0 #optimizer.zero_grad() # then the computation is done o = l(inp) # and some loss measure is used to compare the output to the goal loss = ((outp-o)**2).mean() # eg. mean square error # applying the backward computation fills all gradient buffers with the corresponding gradients #loss.backward(retain_graph=True) # now that the gradients have the correct values, the optimizer can perform one optimization step #optimizer.step() Or using a closure function, which is necessary for advanced optimizers that need to re-evaluate the loss at different parameter values: .. code-block:: python l = convis.models.LN() l.conv.set_weight(np.ones((5,5,5)),normalize=True) optimizer = torch.optim.LBFGS(lr=0.01) def closure(): optimizer.zero_grad() o = l(inp) loss = ((outp-o)**2).mean() loss.backward(retain_graph=True) return loss #for i in range(50): # optimizer.step(closure) The `.optimize` method of `convis.Layer`s does exactly the same as the code above. It is also possible to supply it with alternate optimizers and loss functions: .. code-block:: python l = convis.models.LN() l.conv.set_weight(np.ones((5,5,5)),normalize=True) opt2 = torch.optim.LBFGS(l.parameters()) #l.optimize(inp[None,None,:,:,:],outp, optimizer=opt2, loss_fn = lambda x,y: (x-y).abs().sum()) # using LBFGS (without calling .set_optimizer) and another loss function :attr:`.set_optimizer.*() ` will automatically include all the parameters in the model, if no generator/list of parameters is used as the first argument.