Source code for convis.base

Convis base classes

Convis extends PyTorch by adding some methods to `torch.nn.Module` and calling it a Layer.

from __future__ import print_function
from .misc_utils import unique_list, suppress

import numpy as np
import uuid
from . import io
    from exceptions import NotImplementedError
except ImportError:
from .variable_describe import describe, describe_dict, describe_html
import warnings

from . import variables
from . import variable_describe
from .variables import *
from . import utils
from . import o
from . import optimizer
from . import streams
from .o import O, Ox, save_name
from collections import OrderedDict

# ----

import torch
import numpy as np
from torch import nn
import datetime

    from functools import reduce

from .variables import Variable, State, Parameter, as_parameter, is_variable
from copy import deepcopy


### Node and Model classes

def len_parents(n):
    if hasattr(n,'parent') and n.parent != n:
        return len_parents(n.parent)+1
    return 0

def _array(t):
    from distutils.version import LooseVersion
    if (LooseVersion(torch.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.4.0')) and (type(t) == torch.autograd.variable.Variable):
        if hasattr(t,'detach'):
            return np.array(t.detach())
        return np.array(t)

[docs]class Output(object): """ This object provides a container for output numpy arrays which are labeled with theano variables. The outputs can be queried either by sorted order (like a simple list), by the theano variable which represents this output, the name of this variable or the full path of the variable. To make this meaningfull, provide a name to your output variables. In the case of name collisions, the behavior of OrderedDict will use the last variable added. The full path names of all variables are also added to this objects __dict__, allowing for tab completion. """ def __init__(self,outs,keys=None): """ The full path names of all variables are also added to this objects __dict__, allowing for tab completion. By default returns a numpy array when used with square brackets, the Variable when accessed over `._outs[n]`. """ self._out_dict = OrderedDict({}) self._out_dict_by_full_names = OrderedDict({}) self._out_dict_by_short_names = OrderedDict({}) if type(outs) is list: self._outs = outs else: self._outs = [outs] self.keys = keys if keys is not None: self._out_dict = OrderedDict(zip(keys,outs)) self._out_dict_by_full_names = OrderedDict([(full_path(k),o) for (k,o) in zip(keys,outs)]) self._out_dict_by_short_names = OrderedDict([(save_name(get_convis_attribute(k,'name')),o) for (k,o) in zip(keys,outs) if has_convis_attribute(k,'name') and type(get_convis_attribute(k,'name')) is str]) self.__dict__.update(self._out_dict) def __len__(self): return len(self._outs) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._outs)
[docs] def plot(self,k=0,mode=None,**kwargs): """Plots the contents of the Output object. To get a line plot: o.plot(mode='lines') # default To get a matshow plot: o.plot(mode='matshow') To get plot depending on the shape of the output: o.plot(mode=None) """ utils.plot(self[k],mode=mode,**kwargs)
[docs] def array(self,k=0): """Returns the contents of the Output object as a numpy array. k: number of output (default=0) """ return _array(self[k])
[docs] def mean(self,axis=None,k=0): """ Computes the mean along the supplied axis.. `axis = None` will compute the mean over all `axis`. Equivalent to: o.array(k).mean(axis) """ return self.array(k).mean(axis)
def __getitem__(self,k): if type(k) is int: return self._outs[k] else: if k in self._out_dict.keys(): return self._out_dict[k] if save_name(k) in self._out_dict_by_short_names.keys(): return self._out_dict_by_short_names[save_name(k)] if save_name(k) in self._out_dict_by_full_names.keys(): return self._out_dict_by_full_names[save_name(k)] if str(k) != save_name(k): raise IndexError('Key not found: '+str(k)+' / '+save_name(k)) raise IndexError('Key not found: '+str(k)) def _repr_html_(self): def _shape(t): try: shp = list(t.size()) return 'x'.join([str(s) for s in shp]) except: shp = list(t.shape) return 'x'.join([str(s) for s in shp]) def _plot(t): utils.plot_tensor(t) return "<img src='data:image/png;base64," + variable_describe._plot_to_string() + "'>" if len(self) == 1: return "<b>Output</b> containing a "+_shape(self._outs[0])+" Tensor.<br/>"+_plot(self._outs[0])+"" else: s = "<b>Output</b> containing "+str(len(self))+" Tensors." s += "<div style='background:#ff;padding:10px'>" for t in self._outs: s += "<div style='background:#fff; margin:10px;padding:10px; border-left: 4px solid #eee;'>"+_shape(t)+" Tensor<br/> "+_plot(t)+"</div>" s += "</div>" return s
class _OptimizerSelection(object): """ A single optimizer option that can be called to set this optimizer for the model. The doc string of the original optimizer is available by calling `help()` on this object. """ def __init__(self, model, opt): self._model = model self._opt = opt self.__doc__ = self._opt.__doc__ def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs): self._model.set_optimizer(self._opt,*args,**kwargs) class _OptimizerSelector(object): """ Enables tab completion to set optimizers for a model. Includes all Optimizers found in `torch.nn.optim` and `convis.optimizer`. If optimizers are added to torch during runtime, you can call `._reload()` to add all available options. """ def __init__(self, model): self._model = model for o in dir(torch.optim): if type(getattr(torch.optim, o)) is type and issubclass(getattr(torch.optim, o),torch.optim.Optimizer): setattr(self, o, _OptimizerSelection(self._model,getattr(torch.optim, o))) for o in dir(optimizer): if type(getattr(optimizer, o)) is type and issubclass(getattr(optimizer, o),torch.optim.Optimizer): setattr(self, o, _OptimizerSelection(self._model,getattr(optimizer, o))) def _reload(self): for o in dir(torch.optim): if type(getattr(torch.optim, o)) is type and issubclass(getattr(torch.optim, o),torch.optim.Optimizer): setattr(self, o, _OptimizerSelection(self._model,getattr(torch.optim, o))) for o in dir(optimizer): if type(getattr(optimizer, o)) is type and issubclass(getattr(optimizer, o),torch.optim.Optimizer): setattr(self, o, _OptimizerSelection(self._model,getattr(optimizer, o))) def __call__(self, opt, *args, **kwargs): import types if len(args) == 0 or (type(args[0]) is not list and not isinstance(args[0], types.GeneratorType)): args = list(args) args.insert(0,self._model.parameters()) if issubclass(opt,torch.optim.Optimizer): self._model._optimizer = opt(*args,**kwargs) if type(opt) is str and issubclass(getattr(torch.optim, opt),torch.optim.Optimizer): self(getattr(torch.optim, opt),*args,**kwargs)
[docs]def prepare_input(a, dims= 5, cuda=False, volatile=False, requires_grad = False, dtype='float32'): """ Utility function to broadcast input to 5 dimensions, make it a Tensor, wrap it in a Variable and optionally move it to the GPU. Short hand for:: import torch a_var = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(a[None,None,:,:,:]), requires_grad=True).cuda() from convis.base import prepare_input a_var = prepare_input(a, cuda=True, requires_grad=True) volatile is ignored for PyTorch 0.4 and above. """ from distutils.version import LooseVersion if (LooseVersion(torch.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.4.0')): if not type(a) is torch.autograd.Variable: if hasattr(a, 'numpy'): # its hopefully a torch.Tensor a = torch.autograd.Variable(a, volatile=volatile, requires_grad=requires_grad) else: a = torch.autograd.Variable(torch.Tensor(a), volatile=volatile, requires_grad=requires_grad) else: if not isinstance(a, torch.Tensor): a = torch.tensor(np.array(a, dtype=dtype), requires_grad=requires_grad) if dims is not None: if dims == 5: if len( == 3: a = a[None,None,:,:,:] if dims == 3: if len( == 5: a = a[0,0,:,:,:] if cuda is not None: if cuda: return a.cuda() else: return a.cpu()
[docs]def shape(x): """ Return the shape of a Tensor or Variable containing a Tensor. """ if hasattr(x,'available'): return tuple(-1,x.size[0],x.size[1]) if hasattr(x,'shape'): return x.shape if hasattr(x,'data'): if hasattr(,'shape'): return raise Exception('No shape found for '+str(x)+'!')
[docs]class Layer(torch.nn.Module): """Base class for modules, layers and models. `convis.Layer` is a `torch.nn.Module` with some added functionality. In addition to a method `forward` that performs the computation, a `Layer` object also keeps track of a *state*, *parameter values* and an *optimizer*. The *state* is defined differently than the "state" of :class:`~torch.nn.Module`s: Since we process video in non-overlapping chunks, we need to save a bit of information between each chunk (the kind of information depends on the computation). This is the *state* of a Layer, which will change even if all parameters are held constant. (In contrast a `torch.nn.Module` state, eg. in `state_dict`, includes all parameters and buffers of the model) The values of *states* are only important between the processing of two consecutive inputs, so they usually do not have to be saved to disk, but they have to be stored and retrieved (using `get_state` and `set_state`) when moving non-continuously over the input. The *parameters* are variables of the model that have to be configured or fitted to make the model behave in the desired way. The values of these parameters define the response of the model to input and can be optimized to recreate a response observed in some data. These values can be saved to disc to preserve them. Layers can hold an internal *optimizer* that makes it easy to fit the parameters of a model to data. To create a Layer, create a subclass with an `__init__` and `forward` method:: import convis import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(convis.Layer): def __init__(self): super(Model, self).__init__() self.conv1 = convis.filters.Conv3d(1, (20,1,1)) self.conv2 = convis.filters.Conv3d(1, (1,10,10)) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x)) Just as `Module`s, `Layer`s can include other `Layer`s or `Module`s (ie. its `sublayers`). `Variable`s, `Parameter`s and `State`s that are attributes of a Layer or its `sublayers` will be registered and can be collected according to their class. All registered Variables (including Parameters and States), will be moved to the corresponding device when calling `.cuda()` or `.cpu()`. In contrast to many methods of torch.Tensors, Layer methods are always in-place! Using `.cuda()` or `.float()` will return a reference to the original model and not a copy. Attributes ---------- _use_cuda : bool .. py:attribute:: set_optimizer :class:`magic object <convis.base._OptimizerSelector>` that allows tab completion to select an optimizer. (see :ref:`example <tab_completion_example>`) The list of parameters as first argument can be omitted and will be filled with all parameters of the model by default. Other parameters are passed through to the optimizer. .. py:attribute:: user_parameteres A hierarchical, tab-completable list of all :class:`~torch.nn.Parameter`s/:class:`~convis.variables.Parameter`s /:class:`~convis.variables.VirtualParameter`s of the model that provide a `.set()` function for the user. .. py:attribute:: m A hierarchical, tab-completable list of all :class:`~torch.nn.Module`s/:class:`~convis.base.Layer`s of the model. .. py:attribute:: s A hierarchical, tab-completable list of all state variables of the model. Methods ------- cuda(device=None) move the model to the gpu cpu() move the model to the cpu run(the_input, dt=None) execute the model, using chunk sizes of `dt` parse_config(conf) optimize(inp,outp,dt=None) use the selected optimizer to fit the model to return outp to the input inp. Accepts a chunk length `dt` register_state(name, value) registers an attribute name to be a state variable get_state() returns the current state of the model (recursively for all submodules) set_state(d) set all state parameters defined in dictionary `d` to the corresponding values. push_state() pushes the current state on a stack pop_state() pops the last state from the stack and sets all state variables to the corresponding values. Examples -------- >>> import convis >>> import torch.nn.functional as F >>> >>> class Model(convis.Layer): >>> def __init__(self): >>> super(Model, self).__init__() >>> self.conv1 = convis.filters.Conv3d(1, (20,1,1)) >>> self.conv2 = convis.filters.Conv3d(1, (1,10,10)) >>> def forward(self, x): >>> x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) >>> return F.relu(self.conv2(x)) .. _tab_completion_example: Selecting an :class:`~torch.optim.Optimizer` and using it with :meth:`~convis.base.Layer.optimize`: >>> m = convis.models.LN() >>> m.set_optimizer.<then press tab> ASGD Adadelta Adagrad Adam ... >>> m.set_optimizer.SGD(lr=0.01) >>> m.optimize(input,output) The list of parameters as first argument can be omitted and will be filled with all parameters of the model by default. Other parameters are passed through to the optimizer eg. the learning rate :attr:`lr` in this example. .. _tab_completion_special_attributes_example: The special attributes `p`,`m`,`s` and `user_parameters` provide tab-completion for parameters, submodules and states: >>> retina = convis.models.retina() >>> print retina.p Parameters of the model (see also .user_parameters) Choices: gang_0_spikes, gang_1_spikes, gang_0_input, gang_1_input, bipolar, opl >>> print retina.user_parameters Parameters of the model that can be set by the user. Choices: gang_0_spikes, gang_1_spikes, gang_0_input, gang_1_input, bipolar, opl >>> print retina.p Modules of the model Choices: _self, gang_0_spikes, gang_1_spikes, gang_0_input, gang_1_input, bipolar, opl >>> print retina.s Current state of the model Choices: gang_0_spikes, gang_1_spikes, gang_0_input, gang_1_input, bipolar, opl To find explore the parameters / modules / states, print the object to see the available choices or press tab: >>> retina.p.<tab complete> >>><tab complete> >>> retina.p.bipolar.<tab complete> >>> retina.p.bipolar.g_leak # the g_leak Parameter The hierarchical :class:`~convis.o.Ox` object provides a few special functions >>> retina.p._all.bipolar_g_leak # lists everything in a flat list >>> retina.p._search.leak.<tab complete to search> >>> retina.p._search.leak.bipolar_g_leak # found one result See Also -------- torch.nn.Module : torchs layer class """ _state = OrderedDict() def __init__(self): self._state = OrderedDict() self._default_state = OrderedDict() super(Layer, self).__init__() self._variables = [] self._named_variables= {} self._debug = False self._use_cuda = False self._optimizer = None self.set_optimizer = _OptimizerSelector(self) def register_state(self,name,val=None): if hasattr(self,name) and val is None: self._state[name] = getattr(self,name,None) else: self._state[name] = val self._default_state[name] = deepcopy(val)
[docs] def cuda(self, device=None): """ Moves the model to the GPU (optionally with number `device`). returns the model itself. """ self._use_cuda = True for m in self.modules(): if m is not self: m.cuda() if device is not None: return super(Layer, self).cuda(device=device) else: return super(Layer, self).cuda()
[docs] def cpu(self): """ Moves the model to the CPU and returns the model itself. """ self._use_cuda = False for m in self.modules(): if m is not self: m.cpu() return super(Layer, self).cpu()
def __call__(self,*args,**kwargs): new_args = [] for a in args: a = prepare_input(a, dims=getattr(self,'dims',None), cuda=self._use_cuda) new_args.append(a) o0 = o = super(Layer, self).__call__(*new_args,**kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'outputs'): o = Output([o] + [getattr(self,k) for k in self.outputs], keys = ['output']+self.outputs) return o
[docs] def run(self,the_input,dt=None,t=0,detach=True,max_t=None): """ Runs the model either once, or multiple times to process chunks of size `dt`. `the_input` can be: - a 3d :class:`numpy.ndarray` or :class:`torch.Tensor` - a :class:`convis.streams.Stream` - a :class:`Output` containing at least one :class:`torch.Tensor` - the first one will be used Returns an :class:`Output` object. """ if dt is not None or max_t is not None: if dt is None: dt = max_t return self._run_in_chunks(the_input,dt=dt,t=t,detach=detach,max_t=max_t) else: o = self(the_input) if type(o) is not Output: return Output([o],keys=['output']) return o
def _run_in_chunks(self,the_input,dt=100,t=0,detach=True,max_t=None): chunked_output = [] keys = ['output'] if issubclass(type(the_input),streams.Stream): try: end_t = len(the_input) except: end_t = None if type(end_t) is not int: if max_t is not None: end_t = max_t else: raise Exception('Stream has no defined end! Use .run(..., max_t=some_number) to run the model on infinite streams.') if max_t is not None and max_t < end_t: end_t = max_t while t < end_t: if t + dt < end_t: oo = self(the_input.get(dt)[None,None,:,:,:]) else: oo = self(the_input.get(end_t-t-1)[None,None,:,:,:]) if type(oo) is not Output: oo = [oo] else: keys=oo.keys for i,o in enumerate(oo): while len(chunked_output) < i+1: chunked_output.append([]) chunked_output[i].append(o) t += dt elif issubclass(type(the_input),Output): end_t = shape(the_input[0])[2] if max_t is not None and max_t < end_t: end_t = max_t while t < end_t: if detach: oo = self(the_input[0][:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:].detach()) else: oo = self(the_input[0][:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:]) if type(oo) is not Output: oo = [oo] else: keys=oo.keys for i,o in enumerate(oo): while len(chunked_output) < i+1: chunked_output.append([]) chunked_output[i].append(o) t += dt else: if len(shape(the_input)) == 3: the_input = the_input[None,None,:,:,:] end_t = shape(the_input)[2] if max_t is not None and max_t < end_t: end_t = max_t while t < end_t: oo = self(the_input[:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:]) if type(oo) is not Output: oo = [oo] else: keys=oo.keys for i,o in enumerate(oo): while len(chunked_output) < i+1: chunked_output.append([]) chunked_output[i].append(o) t += dt outs = [] for co in chunked_output: try: outs.append(,dim=TIME_DIMENSION)) except Exception as e: outs.append(np.array(co)) return Output(outs,keys=keys) @property def p(self): """ A hierarchical, tab-completable list of all :class:`convis.variables.Parameter` of the model. If a parameters is reachable via `some_model.p.layer1.module1.parameter1` it will also be available directly as `some_model.layer1.module1.parameter1`. However for tab-completion, the later method provides *all* attributes of the model, not only parameters. See also :ref:`this section in the documentation <p_list>` """ return variables.create_Ox_from_torch_iterator_dicts(self.named_parameters(), doc='Parameters of the model (tab-completable, includes also parameters that should not be changed by the user. See also .user_parameters)') @property def user_parameters(self): return variables.create_Ox_from_torch_iterator_dicts(filter(lambda x: hasattr(x[1],'set'), self.named_parameters()), doc='Parameters of the model that can be set by the user via `.set()`. (tab-completable)') @property def m(self): """ A hierarchical, tab-completable list of all :class:`convis.base.Layer` of the model. """ return variables.create_Ox_from_torch_iterator_dicts(self.named_modules(), doc='Modules of the model (tab-completable)') @property def s(self): """ A hierarchical, tab-completable list of all :class:`convis.variables.State` of the model. """ return variables.create_Ox_from_torch_iterator_dicts(self.state(), doc='Current state of the model (tab-completable)') def _apply(self, fn): for module in self.children(): module._apply(fn) for var in self._variables: if var is not None: # Variables stored in modules are graph leaves, and we don't # want to create copy nodes, so we have to unpack the data. = fn( if var._grad is not None: = fn( for param in self._parameters.values(): if param is not None: # Variables stored in modules are graph leaves, and we don't # want to create copy nodes, so we have to unpack the data. = fn( if param._grad is not None: = fn( for key, buf in self._buffers.items(): if buf is not None: self._buffers[key] = fn(buf) return self def __dir__(self): if hasattr(self,'_state'): return list(self._state.keys()) + list(self.__dict__.keys()) + list(super(Layer, self).__dir__()) return self.__dict__.keys() + super(Layer, self).__dir__() def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name.startswith('_'): super(Layer, self).__setattr__(name, value) if name in self._state.keys(): self._state[name] = value if is_variable(value): if type(value) == Parameter or type(value) == VirtualParameter: self._parameters[name] = value self._variables.append(value) self._named_variables[name] = value self.__dict__[name] = value value._name = name else: super(Layer, self).__setattr__(name, value) def __getattr__(self, name): if name.startswith('_'): return super(Layer, self).__getattr__(name) if name in self._state.keys(): return self._state[name] else: return super(Layer, self).__getattr__(name)
[docs] def parse_config(self,config,prefix='',key='retina_config_key'): """ Loads parameter values from a configuration (RetinaConfiguration or dict). """ def f(a): if hasattr(a,'_variables'): for v in a._variables: if hasattr(v,'retina_config_key'): if v.retina_config_key.startswith('--'): continue if hasattr(v,'set'): try: v.set(config.get(prefix+v.retina_config_key)) except: pass else: print('has no set:',v) self.apply(f)
[docs] def compute_loss(self, inp, outp, loss_fn = lambda x,y: ((x-y)**2).sum(), dt=None, t=0): """ Computes the loss of the model output in response to `inp` compared with the provided `outp` using `loss_fn`. Works like `optimize`, but does not use an actual optimizer. See Also -------- optimize """ class DummyOpt(object): def step(self, x): return x() def zero_grad(self): pass return self.optimize(inp=inp, outp=outp, optimizer=DummyOpt(), loss_fn=loss_fn, dt=dt, t=t)
[docs] def optimize(self, inp, outp, optimizer = None, loss_fn = lambda x,y: ((x-y)**2).sum(), dt=None, t=0, t_skip=0): """ Runs an Optimizer to fit the models parameters such that the output of the model when presented :attr:`inp` approximates :attr:`outp`. To use this function, an :class:`torch.optim.Optimizer` has to be selected:: >>> model.set_optimizer(torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),lr=0.01)) >>> model.optimize(x,y, dt=100) or:: >>> model.set_optimizer.SGD(lr=0.01) # uses optimizers from torch.optim >>> model.optimize(x,y, dt=100) It is important to specify a chunk length :attr:`dt`, if the complete input does not fit into memory. With t_skip an initial portion of the input will be evaluated by the model, without calling the optimizer. """ if optimizer is None: assert self._optimizer is not None, 'Optimizer has to be set! Use .set_optimizer.<tab>' optimizer = self._optimizer def closure(): self.pop_state() self.push_state() optimizer.zero_grad() o = self(closure.inp) loss = closure.loss_fn(closure.outp,o) loss.backward(retain_graph=True) return loss inp = prepare_input(inp, dims=getattr(self,'dims',None), cuda=self._use_cuda) outp = prepare_input(outp, dims=getattr(self,'dims',None), cuda=self._use_cuda) self.push_state() if dt is not None: steps = [] while t < t_skip: closure.inp = inp[:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:] closure.outp = outp[:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:] t += dt self(closure.inp) # evaluating without using the output if t > t_skip: t = t_skip while t < shape(inp)[TIME_DIMENSION]: closure.inp = inp[:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:] closure.outp = outp[:,:,t:(t+dt),:,:] t += dt closure.loss_fn = loss_fn steps.append(optimizer.step(closure)) return steps else: closure.inp = inp closure.outp = outp closure.loss_fn = loss_fn return optimizer.step(closure)
[docs] def get_parameters(self): """returns an OrderedDict of all parameter values of the model The key of each entry is the respective path name (eg. 'submodule_submodule_variablename'), the value is a numpy array. See Also -------- set_parameters push_parameters pop_parameters save_parameters load_parameters """ def _get(v): if hasattr(v,'get'): return v.get() if isinstance(v,np.ndarray): return v.copy() if hasattr(v,'data'): if hasattr(,'numpy'): return raise Exception('what is v?') return OrderedDict([(k,_get(v)) for (k,v) in self.p._all.__iteritems__()])
[docs] def set_parameters(self, d, warn=False): """sets parameter values from a dictionary. All parameters of the model will be loaded according to the respective path names (eg. 'submodule_submodule_variablename'). .. note:: It is important that you load the parameters to a model with the same structure and parameters of exactly the same name! Missing parameters (either in the file or the model) will be ignored silently. To enable warnings, set `Layer._debug` or the argument `warn` to `True`. If you changed the model structure, you can load the parameters with `np.load`, convert it into a dictionary and add or rename the parameters there. Parameters ---------- d (dict) dictionary with parameter values warn (bool) whether to warn of mismatching parameter names See Also -------- get_parameters push_parameters pop_parameters save_parameters load_parameters """ matched = 0 unmatched = 0 for (k,v) in self.p._all.__iteritems__(): if k in d.keys(): if hasattr(v,'set'): v.set(d[k]) elif hasattr(v,'data'): = torch.FloatTensor(d[k]) else: Exception('what is %s?'%(str(v))) matched += 1 else: if self._debug or warn: print('No value for parameter \'%s\' in parameter values to load!'%(k)) unmatched += 1 if self._debug or warn: for k in d.keys(): if k not in self.p._all.__iterkeys__(): print('No parameter for parameter value \'%s\'!'%(k)) unmatched += 1 if unmatched > 0: print('Matched and loaded %i parameters. Failed to match %i parameter names!'%(matched,unmatched))
[docs] def get_state(self): """ collects the state and returns an OrderedDict """ def rec(model): o = OrderedDict() if hasattr(model,'_state'): for s_name in model._state.keys(): o[s_name] = getattr(model, s_name) for mod_name,mod in list(model.named_modules()): if mod is model: continue for s_name,s in rec(mod).items(): o[mod_name+'.'+s_name] = s return o return rec(self)
[docs] def set_state(self, state_dict): """ collects the state and returns an OrderedDict """ def rec(model, sub_state_dict): if hasattr(model,'_state'): for s_name,s in model._state.items(): setattr(model, s_name, sub_state_dict[s_name]) for mod_name,mod in list(model.named_modules()): if mod is model: continue new_sub_state_dict = OrderedDict() for s_name,s in sub_state_dict.items(): if s_name.startswith(mod_name+'.'): new_sub_state_dict[s_name[len(mod_name+'.'):]] = s rec(mod, new_sub_state_dict) return rec(self, state_dict)
[docs] def requires_grad_(self,requires_grad): """Changes the `requires_grad` attribute of all contained parameters. Setting this top `False` will disable the computational graph, making it impossible to use gradient descent on computations until you enable it again. See also :ref:`the documentation <disable_graph>` on how to enable/disable graphs globally, for a :class:`~convis.base.Layer` or for a :class:`~convis.variables.Parameter`. """ for k,p in self.p._all.__iteritems__(): if hasattr(p,'requires_grad_'): p.requires_grad_(requires_grad)
[docs] def clear_state(self): """ resets the state to default values """ def rec(model): o = OrderedDict() if hasattr(model,'_state'): for s_name,s in model._state.items(): if hasattr(model,'_default_state'): old_val = model._state.get(s_name, None) setattr(model,s_name, deepcopy(model._default_state.get(s_name, None))) else: old_val = model._state.get(s_name, None) setattr(model,s_name, None) o[s_name] = (old_val,getattr(model, s_name, None)) for mod_name,mod in list(model.named_modules()): if mod is model: continue for s_name,s in rec(mod).items(): o[mod_name+'.'+s_name] = s return o return rec(self)
[docs] def save_parameters(self,filename,filetype='npz'): """saves the model parameters to a file This function currently only supports the npz format. All parameters of the model will be saved as variables of the respective path names (eg. 'submodule_submodule_variablename'). Parameters ---------- filename (str) name of the file to save to See Also -------- load_parameters """ if filetype is 'npz': np.savez(filename, **self.get_parameters()) else: raise Exception('Parameters can only be saved as npz at the moment.')
[docs] def load_parameters(self,filename,filetype='npz',warn=False): """loads saved parameter values from a file. This function currently only supports the npz format. All parameters of the model will be loaded from npz variables of the respective path names (eg. 'submodule_submodule_variablename'). .. note:: It is important that you load the parameters to a model with the same structure and parameters of exactly the same name! Missing parameters (either in the file or the model) will be ignored silently. To enable warnings, set `Layer._debug` or the argument `warn` to `True`. If you changed the model structure, you can load the parameters with `np.load`, convert it into a dictionary and add or rename the parameters there. Parameters ---------- filename (str) name of the file to load from warn (bool) whether to warn of mismatching parameter names See Also -------- save_parameters """ if filetype is 'npz': parameter_dict = np.load(filename) self.set_parameters(parameter_dict,warn=warn) else: raise Exception('Parameters can only be saved as npz at the moment.')
[docs] def push_parameters(self): """ collects all parameter values and pushes their values onto a stack """ if not hasattr(self, '_parameter_stack'): self._parameter_stack = [] self._parameter_stack.append(self.get_parameters())
[docs] def pop_parameters(self): """ retrieves the values of all parameters from a stack """ pars = self._parameter_stack.pop() self.set_parameters(pars)
[docs] def push_state(self): """ collects all State variables and pushes their values onto a stack """ if not hasattr(self, '_state_stack'): self._state_stack = [] self._state_stack.append(self.get_state())
[docs] def pop_state(self): """ retrieves the values of all State variables from a stack """ if not hasattr(self, '_state_stack'): raise Exception('No state was pushed to the stack!') self.set_state(self._state_stack.pop())
[docs] def push_optimizer(self): """ pushes the current optimizer onto a stack """ if not hasattr(self, '_optimizer_stack'): self._optimizer_stack = [] self._optimizer_stack.append(self._optimizer)
[docs] def pop_optimizer(self): """ retrieves the last optimizer from a stack """ opt = self._optimizer_stack.pop() self._optimizer = opt
[docs] def get_all(self): """ Returns the parameters, states and parameters in a dictionary. """ return { 'optimizer': self._optimizer, 'state': self.get_state(), 'parameters': self.get_parameters() }
def set_all(self, d): if not ('optimizer' in d.keys() and 'state' in d.keys() and 'parameters' in d.keys()): raise Exception('The provided dictionary needs to contain \'optimizer\', \'state\' and \'parameters\' keys.') self._optimizer = d['optimizer'] self.set_state(d['state']) self.set_parameters(d['parameters'])
[docs] def store_all(self, name): """ Stores parameters, states and parameter values in an internal dictionary. """ if not hasattr(self, '_all_store'): self._all_store = OrderedDict() self._all_store[name] = self.get_all()
[docs] def retrieve_all(self, name): """ Retrieves parameters, states and parameter values from an internal dictionary. The entry is not deleted. """ self.set_all(self._all_store[name]) return self._all_store[name]
[docs] def push_all(self): """ Pushes the parameters, states and parameters onto a shared stack. This stack does not interfere with the separate stacks of `push_parameters`, `push_optimizer` and `push_state`. """ if not hasattr(self, '_all_stack'): self._all_stack = [] self._all_stack.append({ 'optimizer': self._optimizer, 'state': self.get_state(), 'parameters': self.get_parameters() })
[docs] def pop_all(self): """ Retrieves the parameters, states and parameters from a shared stack. This stack does not interfere with the separate stacks of `pop_parameters`, `pop_optimizer` and `pop_state`. """ all_dict = self._all_stack.pop() self._optimizer = all_dict['optimizer'] self.set_state(all_dict['state']) self.set_parameters(all_dict['parameters'])
def _repr_html_(self): return variable_describe.describe_layer_with_html(self, 0)
[docs] def plot_impulse(self,shp=(500,10,10),dt=500): """ Plots the response to a 1 bin impulse. The state of the model is preserved (pushed to the stack and poped later). Attributes ---------- shp : tuple(t, x, y) the size of the stimulus. A larger stimulus will show a larger area of the impulse response dt : int length of chunks when computing the response Returns ------- The output of the model """ from . import plot_5d_time self.push_state() self.clear_state() inp = np.zeros(shp) o =,dt=dt) # initialize with zeros inp[0,int(shp[1]/2),int(shp[2]/2)] = 1.0 o =,dt=dt) plot_5d_time(o[0]) self.pop_state() return o
[docs] def plot_impulse_space(self,shp=(1,20,20),dt=500): """ Plots the response to a 1 bin impulse. The state of the model is preserved (pushed to the stack and poped later). Attributes ---------- shp : tuple(t, x, y) the size of the stimulus. A larger stimulus will show a larger area of the impulse response dt : int length of chunks when computing the response Returns ------- The output of the model """ from . import plot_5d_matshow self.push_state() self.clear_state() inp = np.zeros(shp) o =,dt=dt) # initialize with zeros inp[0,int(shp[1]/2),int(shp[2]/2)] = 1.0 o =,dt=dt) plot_5d_matshow(o[0]) self.pop_state() return o
Model = Layer from collections import OrderedDict import time def get_next(stream,l=100): if hasattr(stream, 'get'): return stream.get(l) elif hasattr(stream, '__next__'): return next(stream) elif type(stream) == list: if len(stream) > 0: return stream.pop(0) else: raise StopIteration() else: return stream class _DummyModel(object): def __init__(self): pass def run(self, chunk_size=20, **kwargs): inps = dict([(k,get_next(v,l=chunk_size)*np.random.rand()) for k,v in kwargs.items()]) return Output(inps.values(),keys=inps.keys())
[docs]class Runner(object): """ Keeps track of the input and output of a model and can run or optimize it in a separate thread. :attr:`model` has to be a :class:`convis.base.Layer` :attr:`input` should be a :class:`convis.streams.Stream` that contains input data :attr:`output` should be a :class:`convis.streams.Stream` that accepts new data when using optimize, :attr:`goal` has to have the same length as input and the same behaviour at the end of the stream (repeating or stop) """ def __init__(self, model=None, input=None, output=None, goal=None): self.model = model self.input = input self.output = output self.goal = goal self.chunk_size = 20 self.closed = True
[docs] def stop(self): """ """ self.closed = True
[docs] def start(self): """ """ if self.closed: try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread self.closed = False self.start_time = thread.start_new_thread(self.thread,tuple())
def thread(self): import time, datetime while not self.closed: try: except StopIteration: time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def run(self, length = None, **kwargs): """ """ if length is not None: for t in xrange(0,length,self.chunk_size): o =, dt=self.chunk_size) self.output.put([0,0]) return o else: o = if hasattr(o,'keys'): self.output.put(o[0].data.cpu().numpy()[0,0]) else: self.output.put([0,0]) return o
[docs] def optimize(self): """ """ o = self.model.optimize(get_next(self.input), get_next(self.goal)) if hasattr(o,'keys'): self.output.put(o[0].data.cpu().numpy()[0,0]) else: self.output.put([0,0]) return o