Source code for convis.variables


    import new
    new = False
from . import _get_default_grad_enabled,_get_default_resolution
from .misc_utils import unique_list
from .o import O, Ox, save_name

import numpy as np
import copy

replaceable_theano_vars = []#[TensorVariable,ScalarSharedVariable]

global_lookup_table = {}
only_use_lookup_table = True

if '__convis_global_lookup_table' in globals():
    global_lookup_table = globals()['__convis_global_lookup_table']
    globals()['__convis_global_lookup_table'] = global_lookup_table

def get_convis_attribute(o,k,default):
        return getattr(o,k,default)
        return default
def has_convis_attribute(o,k):
        return hasattr(o,k)
        return False
def set_convis_attribute(o,k,v):

def full_path(v):
    return '_'.join([save_name(p) for p in get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])])

class ResolutionInfo(object):
    def __init__(self,pixel_per_degree=10.0,steps_per_second=1000.0,input_luminosity_range=1.0,filter_epsilon = 0.0001):
            A resolution object tells a model how the dimensions of a
            discreet filter relate to the input in terms of:

                `pixel_per_degree`: the number of pixel (x or y) that correspond to one visual degree
                `steps_per_second`: the number of time steps that correspond to one second

            The functions `steps_to_seconds` and `seconds_to_steps`
            convert a float value from timesteps to seconds or vice versa.
            The functions `pixel_to_degree` and `degree_to_pixel`
            convert a float value from pixel to visual degree or vice versa.

            The attributes `var_pixel_per_degree` and `var_steps_per_second`
            provide theano variables that are updated every time either
            numerical attribute is changed.

            Use as such::

                res = convis.variables.Resolution()
                value_in_pixel = convis.as_parameter(100.0,'value_in_pixel')
                value_in_degree = convis.as_parameter(10.0,'value_in_degree')
                new_value_in_degree = value_in_pixel / res.var_pixel_per_degree
                new_value_in_pixel = value_in_degree * res.var_pixel_per_degree

            Please note: The singular of pixel is used for naming these functions:
            "pixel" and not "pixels". But to be compatible with
            VirtualRetina, there is one exception: The configuration value
            in VirtualRetina Configuration objects is named `pixels-per-degree`.

        self._pixel_per_degree = pixel_per_degree
        self._steps_per_second = steps_per_second
        self.input_luminosity_range = input_luminosity_range
        self.filter_epsilon = filter_epsilon
    def pixel_per_degree(self):
        if self._pixel_per_degree is None:
            return _get_default_resolution().pixel_per_degree
        return self._pixel_per_degree
    def pixel_per_degree(self,v):
        v = float(v)
        self._pixel_per_degree = v
    def steps_per_second(self):
        if self._steps_per_second is None:
            return _get_default_resolution()._steps_per_second
        return self._steps_per_second
    def steps_per_second(self,v):
        v = float(v)
        self._steps_per_second = v
    def degree_to_pixel(self,degree):
        if self.pixel_per_degree is None:
            return _get_default_resolution().degree_to_pixel(degree)
        return float(degree) * self.pixel_per_degree
    def pixel_to_degree(self,pixel):
        if self.pixel_per_degree is None:
            return _get_default_resolution().pixel_to_degree(pixel)
        return float(pixel) / self.pixel_per_degree
    def seconds_to_steps(self,t):
        if self.steps_per_second is None:
            return _get_default_resolution().seconds_to_steps(t)
        return float(t) * self.steps_per_second
    def steps_to_seconds(self,steps):
        if self.steps_per_second is None:
            return _get_default_resolution().steps_to_seconds(steps)
        return float(steps) / self.steps_per_second

import torch
from distutils.version import LooseVersion

class _OldVariable(torch.autograd.Variable):

        .. note::

            This version is for PyTorch < 0.4
        _is_convis_variable = True
        def __new__(self,x, **kwargs):
            if type(x) in [int, float]:
                x = np.array([x])
            for k,v in kwargs.items():
            return super(Variable, self).__new__(self,torch.Tensor(x))
        def __init__(self,x, **kwargs):
            for k,v in kwargs.items():
        def __array__(self):
        def __repr__(self):
            from . import variable_describe
            return variable_describe.describe_text(self)
        def _repr_html_(self):
            from . import variable_describe
            return variable_describe.describe_html(self,wrap_in_html=False)

class _NewVariable(torch.Tensor):
        """A Tensor

        .. note::

            This version is for PyTorch >= 0.4
        _is_convis_variable = True
        def __new__(self,x, **kwargs):
            if type(x) in [int, float]:
                x = np.array([x])
            for k,v in kwargs.items():
            return super(Variable, self).__new__(self,x)
        def __init__(self,x, **kwargs):
            for k,v in kwargs.items():
        def set(self,val):
            if type(val) in [int,float]:
                return self.set_(torch.Tensor([val]))
                return self.set_(torch.Tensor(val))
        def __array__(self):
            return self.detach().cpu().numpy()
        def __repr__(self):
            from . import variable_describe
            return variable_describe.describe_text(self)
        def _repr_html_(self):
            from . import variable_describe
            return variable_describe.describe_html(self,wrap_in_html=False)

if LooseVersion(torch.__version__) < LooseVersion('0.4'):
    _old_variable_mode = True
    Variable = _OldVariable
    def zeros(*shp):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.zeros(*shp))
    def ones(*shp):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.ones(*shp))
    def zeros_like(x):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.zeros_like(x))
    def rand(shp):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.rand(shp))
    def randn(shp):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(shp))
    # PyTorch 0.4 and upwards
    _old_variable_mode = False
    Variable = _NewVariable
    def zeros(*shp):
        return torch.zeros(*shp)
    def ones(*shp):
        return torch.ones(*shp)
    def zeros_like(x):
        return torch.zeros_like(x)
    def rand(*shp):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.rand(*shp))
    def randn(*shp):
        return torch.autograd.Variable(torch.randn(*shp))

class State(Variable):
    def __new__(self,x, **kwargs):
        return super(State, self).__new__(self,x)
    def __init__(self,x, **kwargs):
        super(State, self).__init__(x,**kwargs)

[docs]class Parameter(Variable,torch.nn.Parameter): """A parameter of a model Similar to a Variable, but by default has `requires_grad` set to `True`. To disable the computational graph see :ref:`this section in the documentation <disable_graph>` """ name = '' # this name is different than the name of Tensor def __new__(self,x, **kwargs): if type(x) in [int, float]: x = np.array([x]) return super(Parameter, self).__new__(self,torch.Tensor(x)) def __init__(self,x,default=None, **kwargs): #if type(x) in [int,float]: # x = np.array([x]) #super(Parameter, self).__init__(torch.Tensor(x)) if default is not None: self.default = default else: self.default = np.copy(x) super(Parameter, self).__init__(x,**kwargs) if _get_default_grad_enabled() is False or kwargs.get('requires_grad',True) is False: self.requires_grad_(False) @property def shape(self): return def set(self,v): if type(v) is None: return if type(v) is str: if '.' in v: v = float(v) else: v = int(v) if type(v) in [int, float]: v = np.array([v]) = torch.Tensor(v) def get(self): return self.__array__()
[docs] def requires_grad_(self,requires_grad=True): """Changes the `requires_grad` attribute for this parameter *in place*. Setting this top `False` will disable the computational graph, making it impossible to use gradient descent on computations tracking back to this parameter until you enable it again. See also :ref:`the documentation <disable_graph>` on how to enable/disable graphs globally, for a :class:`~convis.base.Layer` or for a :class:`~convis.variables.Parameter`. """ if hasattr(super(Parameter, self),'requires_grad_'): return super(Parameter, self).requires_grad_(requires_grad) else: self.requires_grad = False return self
def as_parameter(x,**kwargs): return Parameter(x, **kwargs) def is_variable(x): try: return hasattr(x,'_is_convis_variable') except: return False def dict_with_dots_to_hierarchical_dict(d): d = copy.copy(d) # move the empty string key (the module itself) # to another key if '' in list(d.keys()): d['_self'] = d[''] del d[''] for k in list(d.keys()): if '.' in k: val = d[k] del d[k] ks = k.split('.') if ks[0] in d: if type(d[ks[0]]) == dict: d[ks[0]].update(dict_with_dots_to_hierarchical_dict({'.'.join(ks[1:]): val})) else: old_val = d[ks[0]] d[ks[0]] = {'_self': d[ks[0]]} d[ks[0]].update(dict_with_dots_to_hierarchical_dict({'.'.join(ks[1:]): val})) #raise Exception('Key collision! %s and %s'%(ks[0],k)) else: d[ks[0]] = dict_with_dots_to_hierarchical_dict({'.'.join(ks[1:]): val}) return d
[docs]def create_Ox_from_torch_iterator_dicts(iterator,doc=''): """ Takes a dictionary (or iterator with key,value pairs) with dots in the keys and returns a hierarchical object. >>> p = convis.variables.create_Ox_from_torch_iterator_dicts(retina.named_parameters()) # the same as: >>> p = Ox(**dict_with_dots_to_hierarchical_dict(dict(retina.named_parameters()))) >>> p.<tab complete> >>> p.bipolar.<tab complete> >>> p.bipolar.g_leak :class:`convis.o.Ox` objects have a few special attributes (with leading underscores) that help finding nodes in large hierarchies >>> p._all # lists everything with underscore # separating hierarchies (ie. similar # to `.named_parameters()`, but each works # as an attribute instead of a string # key) >>> p._search.g_leak.<tab complete> >>> p._search.g_leak.bipolar_g_leak See also -------- convis.o.Ox """ return Ox(_doc=doc,**dict_with_dots_to_hierarchical_dict(dict(iterator)))
[docs]def create_hierarchical_dict(vs,pi=0,name_sanitizer=save_name): """ pi: "path i" offset in the path The path will only be used from element pi onwards """ o = {} paths = unique_list([get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])[pi] for v in vs if len(get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])) > pi+1]) leaves = unique_list([v for v in vs if len(get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])) == pi+1]) for p in paths: o.update(**{name_sanitizer(get_convis_attribute(p,'name')): create_hierarchical_dict([v for v in vs if has_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v]) and len(get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])) > pi and get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])[pi] == p], pi+1)}) for p in paths: o[name_sanitizer(get_convis_attribute(p,'name'))]['_original'] = p for l in leaves: o.update(**{name_sanitizer(get_convis_attribute(l,'name')): l}) return o
def create_hierarchical_Ox(vs,pi=0,name_sanitizer=save_name): return Ox(**create_hierarchical_dict(vs,pi,name_sanitizer=name_sanitizer))
[docs]def create_hierarchical_dict_with_nodes(vs,pi=0,name_sanitizer=save_name): """ name_sanitizer: eg. convis.base.save_name or str """ o = {} paths = unique_list([get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])[pi] for v in vs if len(get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])) > pi+1]) leaves = unique_list([v for v in vs if len(get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])) == pi+1]) for p in paths: o.update(**{p: create_hierarchical_dict_with_nodes([v for v in vs if has_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v]) and len(get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])) > pi and get_convis_attribute(v,'path',[v])[pi] == p], pi+1)}) for l in leaves: o.update(**{name_sanitizer(get_convis_attribute(l,'name')): l}) return o
def unindent(text): from textwrap import dedent if text == '': return text lines = text.split('\n') if lines[0] == lines[0].rstrip(): return lines[0]+'\n'+dedent('\n'.join(lines[1:])) else: return dedent(text) def add_kwargs_to_v(v,**kwargs): update_convis_attributes(v, kwargs) if 'doc' in kwargs.keys(): set_convis_attribute(v,'doc', unindent(kwargs.get('doc',''))) return v def raise_exception(e): raise e
[docs]def create_context_O(var=None, **kwargs): """ This function creates the 'typical' context that annotated variables can expect when defining `init` functions. * `var`: the variable itself * `node`: the node that wraps this part of the graph (providing eg. configuration options) * `get_config`: a function of `node` that provides the configuration dictionary local to this node * `model`: the model providing global options such as `pixel_to_degree()` and `seconds_to_step()` During execution: * `input`: the variable that is fed as input to the model (not the node!) Further, if the variable has a `config_key` and a `config_default` field, two short cut functions retrieve and save the configuration value to minimize code redundancy: * `value_from_config()`: retrieves the configuration value from `node`, falling back to `config_default` if no option is provided * `value_to_config(v)`: calls the `set_config` method of the `node` to save a configuration value (eg. when updated when optimizing) To use these values in an `init` function eg:: as_parameter(T.iscalar("k"),init=lambda x: x.input.shape[0]) """ if var is None: return O(resolution=default_resolution)(**kwargs) node = None model = None get_config = None get_config_value = None if node is not None: model = node.get_model() get_config = node.get_config get_config_value = node.get_config_value config_key = get_convis_attribute(var,'config_key','') if has_convis_attribute(var, 'config_key') and hasattr(var,'get_value'): return O(var=var,node=node,model=model,resolution=getattr(node,'resolution',default_resolution), get_config=get_config, get_config_value=get_config_value, value_from_config=lambda: node.get_config_value(config_key,get_convis_attribute(var,'config_default',var.get_value())), value_to_config=lambda v: node.set_config_value(config_key,v))(**kwargs) elif has_convis_attribute(var, 'config_key') and has_convis_attribute(var, 'config_default'): return O(var=var,node=node,model=model,resolution=getattr(node,'resolution',default_resolution), get_config=get_config, get_config_value=get_config_value, value_from_config=lambda: node.get_config_value(config_key,get_convis_attribute(var,'config_default',get_convis_attribute(var, 'config_default'))), value_to_config=lambda v: node.set_config_value(config_key,v))(**kwargs) return O(var=var,node=node,model=model,get_config_value=get_config_value,get_config=get_config,resolution=getattr(node,'resolution',default_resolution), value_from_config=lambda: raise_exception(Exception('No config key and default value available. '+str(get_convis_attribute(var,'name'))+'\n')))(**kwargs)
def update(var,**kwargs): return get_convis_attribute(var,'update')(create_context_O(var,**kwargs)) """ Combining Virtual Parameters """ def is_callback(v): return type(v) in [CallbackParameter,VirtualParameter] def get_if_callback(v): if is_callback(v) or hasattr(v,'get'): return v.get() return v class IndirectParameter(object): _is_convis_variable = True def __init__(self,func,name,var=None,*dependencies,**kwargs_dependencies): self.func = func = name self.var = var self.dependencies = dependencies for d in self.dependencies: if is_callback(d): = self self.kwargs_dependencies = kwargs_dependencies for d in self.kwargs_dependencies.values(): if is_callback(d): = self def set(self,v=None): self.value = self.func(*[get_if_callback(d) for d in self.dependencies], **dict([(k,get_if_callback(v)) for (k,v) in self.kwargs_dependencies.items()])) if self.var is not None: self.var.set(self.value) class CallbackParameter(object): _is_convis_variable = True def __init__(self,func,name,call=None,value=None): self.value = value self.func = func = call = name def set(self,v): self.value = self.func(v) if is not None: def get(self): return self.value class FakeTensor(object): def __init__(self): pass def cuda(self,x=None): return self def cpu(self,x=None): return self
[docs]class VirtualParameter(object): """ VirtualParameters can generate parameter values from a dependency structure of other parameters. Example:: a = VirtualParameter(float,value=0.1) b = VirtualParameter(int,value=0) v = VirtualParameter(convis2.numerical_filters.exponential_filter_5d).set_callback_arguments(tau=a,n=b) a.set(0.01) # updating this parameter causes the function of v to be reevaluated plot(v.get()[0,:,0,0,0]) b.set(2) # the function is reevaluated again plot(v.get()[0,:,0,0,0]) """ _is_convis_variable = True data = FakeTensor() def __init__(self,func=None,var=None,call=None,value=None,dependencies=[],kwargs_dependencies={},**kwargs): self.func = func self._grad = None = '' self.var = var self.callbacks = [] self.value = value self.dependencies = dependencies for d in self.dependencies: if is_callback(d): d.callbacks.append(self) self.kwargs_dependencies = kwargs_dependencies for d in self.kwargs_dependencies.values(): if is_callback(d): d.callbacks.append(self) for k,v in kwargs.items(): setattr(self,k,v) def __repr__(self): return 'VirtualParameter('+str(self.func)+( ' with variable '+str(self.var) if self.var is not None else '')+')' def set_callback_arguments(self,*dependencies,**kwargs_dependencies): self.dependencies = dependencies for d in self.dependencies: if is_callback(d): d.callbacks.append(self) self.kwargs_dependencies = kwargs_dependencies for d in self.kwargs_dependencies.values(): if is_callback(d): d.callbacks.append(self) return self def set_variable(v): self.var = v def set(self,v): if self.func is not None: ret = self.func(v) if ret is not None: self.value = ret else: self.value = v else: self.value = v for c in self.callbacks: if hasattr(c,'update'): c.update() else: c() if self.var is not None: if hasattr(self.var,'set'): self.var.set(self.value) elif hasattr(self.var,'data'): if not hasattr(self.value,'shape'):[0] = self.value elif len( == 1:[:] = self.value elif len( == 2:[:,:] = self.value elif len( == 3:[:,:,:] = self.value elif len( == 4:[:,:,:,:] = self.value elif len( == 5:[:,:,:,:,:] = self.value else: raise Exception('Do not know how to set variable '+str(self.var)+' with value '+str(self.value)) def get(self): return self.value def update(self): self.value = self.func(*[get_if_callback(d) for d in self.dependencies], **dict([(k,get_if_callback(v)) for (k,v) in self.kwargs_dependencies.items()])) if self.var is not None: self.var.set(self.value)