Retina Model

This module implements a spiking retina model in python and theano.

It is based on the VirtualRetina Simualtor [Wohrer 2008].

General Overview

The formulas on which the classes are based are:

$$C(x,y,t) = G * T(wu,Tu) * E(n,t) * L (x,y,t)$$ $$S(x,y,t) = G * E * C(x,y,t)$$ $$I_{OLP}(x,y,t) = lambda_{OPL}(C(x,y,t) - w_{OPL} S(x,y,t)_)$$ $$\frac{dV_{Bip}}{dt} (x,y,t) = I_{OLP}(x,y,t) - g_{A}(x,y,t)dV_{Bip}(x,y,t)$$ $$g_{A}(x,y,t) = G * E * Q(V{Bip})(x,y,t)`with $Q(V{Bip}) = g_{A}^{0} + lambda_{A}V^2_{Bip}$$ $$I_{Gang}(x,y,t) = G * N(eT * V_{Bip})$$

with \(N(V) = \\\\frac{i^0_G}{1-\lambda(V-v^0_G)/i^0_G}\) (if \(V < v^0_G\))

with \(N(V) = i^0_G + \lambda(V-v^0_G)\) (if \(V > v^0_G\))


Configuring the Retina Model directly

The best way to configure the model is by exploring the structure with tab completion of the .p. parameter list. The retina model will give you first the list of layers and then the list of parameters of each layer.

To change the values, you can use the method .set, or (but only if you use the `.p.` list) by assigning a new value to the parameter directly.

>>> retina = convis.retina.Retina()
>>> retina.p.<tab>
    opl, bipolar, gang_0_input, gang_0_spikes, gang_1_input, gang_1_spikes
>>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp
Parameter containing:
tensor([ 0.])
>>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp.set(100.0)
>>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp = 100.0
>>> retina.p.bipolar.lambda_amp
Parameter containing:
tensor([ 100.])


What will not work:

>>> retina.bipolar.lambda_amp = 100.0      # <- .p is missing!
>>> retina.p.bipolar["lambda_amp"] = 100.0 #

In both cases, the Parameter will be replaced by the number 100.0. It will no longer be Instead you can use .set():

>>> retina.bipolar.lambda_amp.set(100.0)
>>> retina.p.bipolar["lambda_amp"].set(100.0)
>>> retina.p.bipolar["lambda_amp"] = Parameter(100.0, doc="new parameter replacing the old one")

Also you can get a dictionary of configuration values and change the parameters there or save and load them to and from a json file:

>>> d = retina.get_parameters()
>>> d['opl_opl_filter_surround_E_tau']
array([0.004], dtype=float32)
>>> d['opl_opl_filter_surround_E_tau'][0] = 0.001
>>> retina.set_parameters(d)

Configurating the Retina Model with xml files

The retina model is convis.retina.Retina and can be configured with a convis.retina.RetinaConfiguration that can be loaded from a VirtualRetina xml file:

>>> retina = convis.retina.Retina()
>>> conf = convis.retina.RetinaConfiguration()
>>> conf.load_xml('some_file.xml')
>>> conf.set(.., ..) # changing some values before configuring the model
>>> retina.parse_config(conf)
>>> # or more simply:
>>> retina.parse_config('some_file.xml')

Retina Filters

The stages of the VirtualRetina model correspond to the convis classes: